Yttrium Y-90 Resin Microspheres Data Collection in unresectable Liver Cancer: the RESIN Study
This research registry studies Yttrium Y 90 resin microspheres by collecting data from patients with liver cancer not capable of being removed by surgery (unresectable) for the radiation-emitting Selective Internal Radiation-Spheres (SIR-spheres) in non-resectable (RESIN) liver tumor registry. The information generated will help doctors better understand treatment patterns involving Y90 therapy, gain additional insights in the long-term outcomes for patients, as well as guide future research for using Y90 therapy, especially for those conditions where data is currently very limited or lacking.
Principal Investigator: Tony Brown, MD
For more information about this trial, please contact Alicia Drew, Director, Research and Physician Services at Radiology Imaging Associates.
If you would like to explore more clinical information about this trial, please see the trial page on